- Just this side of heaven is a
place called Rainbow Bridge.
- When an animal dies that has been
especially close to someone here,
- that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
- There are meadows and hills for
all of our special friends there
- so that they can run and play
- There is plenty of food, water
and sunshine
- and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All of the animals
who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor.
- Those who were hurt or maimed
are made whole and strong again,
- just as we remember them in our
dreams of days and times gone by.
- The animals are happy and content,
except for one small things ;
- they miss someone very special
to them,
- who had to be left behind.
- They all run and play together,
but the day comes when
- one suddenly stop and looks into
the distance.
- ChuChu's eyes are intent ; her
eager body quivers.
- Suddenly ChuChu begins to run
from the group,
- flying over the green grass, her
legs carrying her faster and faster.
- You have been spotted and when
you and ChuChu finally meet,
- You cling together in joyous reunion,
never to be parted again.
- The happy kisses rain upon your
face ;
- your hands caress the beloved
head and you look once more
- into the trusting eyes of ChuChu,
so long gone from your life,
- but never absent from your heart.
- Then you cross the Raibow Bridge
- Author Unknown
- この詩は10/06/2006に愛しい愛しいチュ〜ちゃんを失った私に
- 心優しい友人がプレゼントしてくれたものです。
- 愛しいチュ〜ちゃん、あふれるばかりの幸せを本当にありがとう。
- ママは大丈夫。だから安心していいんだよ。
- 心配しなくていいんだよ、ママは大丈夫だよ。
- 愛しい魂を悲しませないように、私は毎日、そう語りかけています。
- 大好きなチュ〜ちゃん、いつの日かまた会えるその日まで、
- チャ〜くんと一緒に虹の橋で待っててね。
- ママはいつまでもずっとチャ〜くんとチュ〜ちゃんのママだから